Friday, 18 April 2014

He was able to get college education after gaining knowledge from the Maarifa centre!!!

A young gentleman (Frank Willson Chimwaga) from Songambele community realized that his best performance in college studies at CBE was a result of the knowledge he acquired from Songambele maarifa centre.

Frank who was a form four leaver, is now taking the certificate in Business administration. Among the courses in his first semester was introduction to computer which he scored B+. Frank realized that his high theoretical and practical performance in computer studies was because of the studies he got from Songambele maarifa centre.  From Songambele maarifa centre, Frank was eager to continue with studies at college level.

Frank chimwaga at Songambele Maarifa centre when he came to give his thanks, photo by Sadock

Because of the studies he acquired from the centre, Frank realized the simplicity of studies at the Colledge of Bussines Education situated in Dodoma town.

1 comment:

  1. There are really many learning centers that was established nowadays. Thus, they still use some good sources like online essay writing service review who is a good website when you found some problems about writing.
