Monday, 5 May 2014

Internet connectivity was possible at Mkoka

Songambele Maarifa centre faced the challenge lacking internet connectivity since the center started in 2012. On 30th April 2014, the field officer accompanied by some ICT graduates decided to try internet connectivity at nearby village called Mkoka. This wad done in Mkoka primary school where  there is electricity supply. The modems were used to connect to the computers and internet access  was possible though still the access speed was low. Trainees were able to use the computers and access some information from the the internet.

This was the first time for Mr. Makono and Mr. Mamoga ( Ward Education Cordinators), Mr. Kyaruzi (Secondary school teacher), Mr. Zephania Magwira(a farmer and bussiness man), Mr. Mwangalimi (primary school teacher) and Miss Habiba (a form four leaver) to use the computer and access information via internet.They were very happy.

Despite accessing information, every one understood to open a new e-mail account, read already sent e-mails, send e-mails and e-mail with the attached document .

Friday, 2 May 2014

From complete computer illiterate to computer literate!!!!

Mr. Kyaruzi is secondary school teacher teaching mathematics at Songambele Kiliman Secondary Secondary school. Mr. kyaruzi has got his elder brother who is working in head of state offices in Dar es Salaam. His elder brother has children who studies in international school with an ability of using the computer. Those kids were laughing at Mr. kyaruzi on his inability of even turning on and off the computer while he used to go to his brother for visitation. Such condition made Mr. Kyaruzi shameful and uncomfortable to his brothers’ resident

Mr. Kyaruzi using the computer in Songambele Maarifa centre. 

Mr. Kyaruzi intended from his heart to acquire the computer knowledge but still the problem was the place to acquire such education depending on working environment. After being aware of Songambele maarifa centre, Mr. Kyaruzi was registered and now is happy from the knowledge he acquired. He accomplished five modules i.e introduction to computer, MS word, excel, powerpoint and Internet and e-mails. He uses excel to arrange students’ results.