Sunday, 2 June 2013

More income for a business lady after gaining computer skills

Ritha works at Chambasho Saccos Limited located in Songambele village. Her office was awarded a computer from Lutheran World Relief (LWR) but nobody among the workers was able to use the computer. She was very eager to have computer knowledge. When the centre started she applied but could not be selected during the first batch due to large number of applicants. She got the chance in the second batch and gained sufficient computer knowledge.

Ritha, far right with other trainees during a class session. Photo by Nehemiah Mabawa
 She was able to do everything concerning computer activities after gaining computer knowledge at Songambele Maarifa centre. She convinced her husband to open a stationary in which she is the one working since her office is nearer to her residence. Since she joined trainings, she is very competent, advertising her stationary to customers being sure that she will fulfill their needs and even asking tenders from  different schools to type and print the exams as she did for both primary and secondary schools in Songambele.

Ritha Haule at her stationery attending to a customer.
 photo by Samuel
This has increased her income and she is planning to invest by opening more stationery not only in Songambele but also other areas that are in need.