Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Congratulations! TCRA officials laud Songambele Maarifa centre initiative

Dr. Maria Sasabo in a meeting at the Maarifa centre
The Songambele Maarifa centre was blessed to host Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) central zone officials on 21st February 2013. The TCRA is a statutory regulatory body responsible for controlling the communications and broadcasting sectors in Tanzania. The three officials included the Zonal manager central Mrs. Maria L. Sasabo, Charles Mbele and Elly Bernard. During the visit, the officials were interested to learn more about the services offered by the centre, community participation in centre activities the centre sustainability initiatives.  The TCRA officials were on their routine monitoring activities in central zone and keen to support the centre where possible. Others present during the meeting were the Village Executive officer Mr. Ainea Mdachi, Village chairman Mr. Sostenesi Mhoga, Mr. Noah Lusaka of ALIN Nairobi, the ICT trainer Mr. Sadock Peter and Ms Herieth Sillah the Maarifa centre Field officer.
 Responding to community needs
Ms Herieth Sillah the maarifa centre Field officer received the officials and briefed them about the services rendered to communities by the centre. She outlined that the centre started its operations in November 2012 and offers free information exchange services to communities. The centre is powered by a solar-wind energy hybrid system that provides enough power for all Maarifa centre equipments. The installed hybrid system serves as a demonstration of affordable renewable energy technologies for rural communities. Ms Herieth went on to explain: ‘the centre was initiated by ALIN in partnership with DONET to meet the Songambele community information needs and to enable them access affordable and sustainable clean energy resources.
Community involvement
The communities and local government leaders were involved from the project conception through consultative meetings and as part of the maarifa centre management framework; an advisory committee drawn from stakeholders was put in place. The committee members identified two young members Christopher Chibaya and Zawadi Michael who voluntarily support in running the centre and community outreach activities.  The two Community Knowledge Facilitators (CKF) have just benefited from trainings on installation of tubular biogas digesters and use of solar lanterns. They will be championing dissemination of information to communities and capacity building on renewable energy technologies. The communities were also involved in a baseline survey on information needs and energy resources utilization at household level during the period 8th to 15th February 2013. Through the Maarifa centre, communities are lobbying for an improvement of the GSM network to enhance mobile phone communications, Internet access and other services like Mpesa.

The diverse Maarifa centre activities
Ms Herieth informed the officials that the centre activities are quite diverse and include:

ICT trainings – The centre has five Inveno low power computers out of which four are dedicated for training purposes. The free ICT trainings started in December 2012. The 24 trainees were selected and are trained in three sessions i.e. 8 trainees per session covering five basic information technology packages.  
 Information Access and dissemination: The centre has a library section equipped with some publications that include newsletters, reports, books, audio visuals and much more. Whereas the centre has invested in equipment for Internet access, this has not been possible due to lack of GSM network. Ms Herieth inquired if the TCRA officials could intervene to help the centre access Internet for community use. Internet access by communities will enable them communicate easily through e-mail and skype, access e-government resources, participate in e-learning activities and much more. The centre also documents local content for wider sharing through Internet and magazines

Maarifa centre sustainability
The advisory committee in collaboration with the Field officer plans to establish a revolving fund through dissemination of solar lanterns and biogas digesters. The centre once fully operational will venture in Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) to enhance local youth employment.